
World of EuroNASCAR is asking our users to use your common sense when interacting in this website. These are the rules that you have to follow as a reader of this website:

  • Disrespectful comments towards others will not be tolerated. Below are some of the examples that we deem to be disrespectful comments:
    • Racism
    • Sexism
    • Discrimination on any kind
    • Transphobia
    • Homophobia
    • Personal attacks
    • Harassment
    • Hate speech
    • Excessive hate towards a driver/team/another user
  • No NSFW content of any kind.
  • No spamming.
  • Refrain from talking about politics, religion, or other heavily sensitive topics.
  • Don’t instigate a fight with another user in the comments.

Should we discover any of these, we will have the rights to delete these comments and warn you to not repeat what you’ve done, with repeated acts of these will lead you to be banned from our website. These rules will be applicable to any of our social media pages.

In addition, World of EuroNASCAR recommends our users to use English as the language of choice when interacting on our website and/or social media ccounts. We won’t send you a warning if you posted your interaction in languages other than English, but there is the potential that we are going to have a harder time to verify whether these interactions would meet or break any of the rules listed here if the comment is posted in a language other than English.